dipping into

sitting still
with curiosity and care

dipping into
ever-changing patterns

sensing posture and
fleeting body sensations
does anything need relaxing?

watching the weather
on the emotional plain
does anything need soothing?

visiting with the meandering river
of bubbling thoughts
does anything need releasing?

sitting still
dipping into
this wondrous,
peaceful moment


we all need it
from time to time

to vent,
to give expression

to grief and loneliness,
frustration, rejection, fear

how to be a good friend,
when the vulnerable,

sometimes messy,
unburdening occurs?

not rushing to fix,
nor even believing

that fixing needs to be
done by me

bearing witness instead,
fully present, patiently,

without judging

trusting that listening itself
is beneficial

trusting that the speaker
while unburdening

has a direct path
to insight
to grace

a simple musing

may there be gratitude

for well-fitting shoes
and the aches that are absent

for the scent of rain
and the sparrow’s song

for the return of the salmon,
that add their richness to the land

for a found moment
of restfulness 

for what has been received
and what has been denied

for jam and buttons
and a new insight

for friends
that always seem happy
to hear from us

may these blessings,
and their kin

feel seen and welcome
in the heart


for so long
you have troubled
your gentle heart

carrying endless burdens
believing it would bring
some merit or illusive gain

how freeing the moment
when you drop old
tensions and resentments

question any thought
that tells you
you can’t let go

sweetheart, look,
here before you now
is the open door

still marveling

life lives
rushing through every cell
like a tidal flow
unfolding in its own wisdom
who am i to try to tame it?

life lives
mixing and merging
the elements in endless combinations
interconnecting all beings naturally
so how could i ever be lonely?

life lives through me
and altered states
of dreaming and sleeping
aware of being

waiting for us

sometimes it happens
walking our familiar grounds

that the overlooked glows
with new a light

as we soften and slow
into the spaces that surround us

as the mind grows quiet
beauty reappears

in our home, in our friendships,
in nature

as we connect tenderly
we see again, as if for the first time

the beauty that is
waiting for us