sitting still
with curiosity and care
dipping into
ever-changing patterns
sensing posture and
fleeting body sensations
does anything need relaxing?
watching the weather
on the emotional plain
does anything need soothing?
visiting with the meandering river
of bubbling thoughts
does anything need releasing?
sitting still
dipping into
this wondrous,
peaceful moment
the beauty of change
this time
of falling leaves
me to practice
letting go
letting go
letting go
of the thoughts
that prevent peace
so simple
so radical and beautiful
so worthy
of trying
we all need it
from time to time
to vent,
to give expression
to grief and loneliness,
frustration, rejection, fear
how to be a good friend,
when the vulnerable,
sometimes messy,
unburdening occurs?
not rushing to fix,
nor even believing
that fixing needs to be
done by me
bearing witness instead,
fully present, patiently,
without judging
trusting that listening itself
is beneficial
trusting that the speaker
while unburdening
has a direct path
to insight
to grace
a simple musing
may there be gratitude
for well-fitting shoes
and the aches that are absent
for the scent of rain
and the sparrow’s song
for the return of the salmon,
that add their richness to the land
for a found moment
of restfulness
for what has been received
and what has been denied
for jam and buttons
and a new insight
for friends
that always seem happy
to hear from us
may these blessings,
and their kin
feel seen and welcome
in the heart
we may ask
living can be
a restless affair
between pleasure
and pain
weary of the unrest
we may ask:
where is equanimity?
where is lasting peace?
attitude seems
to determine
our perspective
is this
then we may ask:
what decides on the attitude
at play in us?
is it random,
is it choice,
is it fate?
the morning self
waking, after
a good rest
there is a softness
that lingers
if even for
a moment or two
the morning self
connects effortlessly
to the beauty that abounds
before my armaments
to the noise of the day
rush in
before my habits
obscure this tender lens
upon the world
still, just beneath the surface
the morning self
before words
only point
in a direction
they are never
truth itself
”girl”, i remind myself:
”you can’t cook your food
on the word “fire”,
you need a real
spark for that
kind of warmth”
yet, when the light
that walks
within every breath
the path
before words
becomes your true home
wobbly and awkward
even if it seems
wobbly and awkward
even if attention
wanders off
a thousand times
don’t mind
reach out
to the supreme
spirit presence
it waits
to be the ground beneath
your dancing feet
for so long
you have troubled
your gentle heart
carrying endless burdens
believing it would bring
some merit or illusive gain
how freeing the moment
when you drop old
tensions and resentments
question any thought
that tells you
you can’t let go
sweetheart, look,
here before you now
is the open door
beyond good enough
there are good moments,
simple pleasant states
even in the dark hours
they can be found
it may take a slower, softer gaze
to once again recognize
that this … right now
is enough
that being held
in the web of wonder
loved into being
right now
is beyond good enough
still marveling
life lives
rushing through every cell
like a tidal flow
unfolding in its own wisdom
who am i to try to tame it?
life lives
mixing and merging
the elements in endless combinations
interconnecting all beings naturally
so how could i ever be lonely?
life lives through me
and altered states
of dreaming and sleeping
aware of being
the longest journey
our longest journey
seems to be traveling
the few inches
between head and heart
noticing tensions
and allowing relaxation
taking a step towards
our wise and courageous heart
a shift that is instantly felt
in all directions
in search of surrender
when the river
meets the sea
it loses
its name
yet as water
it remains
in essence
waiting for us
sometimes it happens
walking our familiar grounds
that the overlooked glows
with new a light
as we soften and slow
into the spaces that surround us
as the mind grows quiet
beauty reappears
in our home, in our friendships,
in nature
as we connect tenderly
we see again, as if for the first time
the beauty that is
waiting for us
wishing for one and all
may you be happy
may you be well
in body and mind
may you feel safe
and protected
may you be filled
with loving kindness
may you see beauty
may you accept yourself
as you are
may you trust in the goodness
within you
may you know peace
returning to basics
in a state
of restless bewilderment
it seems wise
to return to basics
pausing with a few mindful breaths
witnessing awareness beginning to shift
noticing the coming and going
of sensations, emotions and thoughts
awake and present
to the flow that is your life
when you try
when you try
to come back home
through prayer, contemplation,
dancing, meditation …
whatever your current path
of alignment
offer no resistance,
don’t mind what you’ll find
make your approach as soft,
as open as the heart allows
try with ease,
evermore ease
what do you see
look at the world
what do you see?
through the lenses
that color all you perceive
is not found easily
at first all we see
is the world
then we notice
our filters, our conditioning
next the question may arise:
what does the seeing?
yet throughout it all
the dishes still
get cleaned
watching the show
observing the endless
parade of thoughts
how preoccupied they are
with past and future
with worries
and desires
how fragmented, yet urgent
and demanding of attention
witness this show
in stillness, unmoved
slowly the fog
of entanglement lifts
no longer buying
all that thought has to sell
there is joy
proceeding patiently
in the direction of the heart
there is joy
in finding small insights
there is joy in being
guided by mindfulness