portal 3 - GATES

arrival of forgiveness

there have been years
when forgiveness
could not enter my heart

when the time of forgiving
and being forgiven
had not come

the leap into a burdenless
present seemed impossibly far

and then . . . it happened
almost in spite of myself

an opening of the heart,
touching tenderness,
healing, a fresh start

the arrival of forgiveness
is still a mystery

yet the waiting for it
is so much sweeter
while patient and welcoming

just as i am


there is a timeless meditation that asks:
can i accept myself just as i am?

i watch as this question enters my mind,
instantly the negotiations begin:

do you mean accept right now?
even my imperfections?
do you know the mess it is in here?

can i just tidy up a bit, refine myself…
to be more palatable for gods and neighbors alike?

for i have always seen myself as an improvement project,
never quite good enough - just as i am

Oh, what a curious state of affairs!
how did it get that way?

from the first heartbeat to the last
my life has been accepted to the Great Dance of Life
welcomed without hesitation

so i ask again… can i accept myself just as i am?

accept my body?
the capricious thoughts that come to visit me?
the gentle breezes and storms in the emotions?
and the endless monotony of my habits …

can i welcome it all?


if I can catch myself


“hello life

sometimes I get in a rut
thinking of all the things I have to DO

thinking of plans, projects and problems
complicating my beautiful life

if I can catch myself just before entering
the hamster wheel of runaway thoughts

take a breath, soften my eyes, soften my lips
then often my mind too will soften and slow

a space opens -
this is the cue to contemplate

the cause of the universe, orbits of galaxies,
evolution of life, the design of the human body…

faced with marvel
my mind can accept

that it finds itself in a mystery greater
than thoughts can comprehend

and gives me a break …
until the next time


morning ponder on patience


“flow and resistance”

with patience
there is space
to slow down
to rest and relax
till ease arrives
in my body

with patience
there is space
to endure
to navigate difficult terrain
until compassion fills
my heart again

with patience
there is space
to be alert
to contemplate more deeply
until clarity emerges
in my mind

with patience
i offer less resistance
to the flowing energy of life