there is joy
proceeding patiently
in the direction of the heart
there is joy
in finding small insights
there is joy in being
guided by mindfulness
welcoming space
walking the meadow
no path to follow
an open space
fresh and welcoming
here ease
finds me again
wherever you are
wherever you are now is the entry point
slowly, slowly
through the openings
of forgiveness
or patience
there is beauty
there is harmony
there is joy
wherever you are
wherever you are is the entry point
could it be this simple?
waking to blessings
sometimes i wake
to the blessings of earth and spirit
sensing sisterhood
with river, trees and sky
and there are no strangers
we sing the songs
of blessings to each other
living in a constant stream
of receiving and giving
where everything is moving
and moving on
no shame
sometimes we get separated
from the wisdom of our heart
when sly thoughts and strong
emotions take us off track
temporarily interrupting
our connection to peace and good will
there is no shame in this,
only opportunity for insight
stand still then
keenly, quietly listening
not pushing, nor pulling
just patiently trusting
and in the midst of uncertainty
the heart will find you again
softening the edges
there is a constant coming an going
a mixing and a mingling
of matter and energy
flowing though my body
the outside rushes in
the inside rushes out
and in this fluid state
life balances itself in harmony
as i drink the clouds
and eat the seasons
i remember that
we all belong to life
that this fortress of selfhood
really has not such defined borders
fresh harvest
if you could travel back in time
to meet a seven year old you
what counsel would you have for her?
sitting with yourself
sharing wisdom
and warmth
bringing, your freshest harvest
your truest views on being,
what insights would you offer?
when i get lost
a morning alignment,
asking myself…
when you are tender
and it is easy to forgive
when generosity comes freely
and you receive without fear or favor
when your eyes look upon
the world with trusting kindness
would this not make living
more wonderful for all?
then this is the home
of the heart
the hearth to return to
when i get lost
weaver of tales
the mind tells
magnificent stories
and like children
we still believe
these tales to be true
rarely questioning our thoughts
and the worlds they create
leaving us in a constant fog
of befuddled intoxication
by watching the storyteller at work
so smooth, so skilled
in the art of redirection
our gullibility lifts
like the morning mist
all seeds slumber in
the garden of my heart
just waiting for the watering can
when all around me fires burn
how do i fireproof my mind?
fresh wars ignite continuously
from squabbling friends
to guns and bombs
it’s not too long a road
seductive is self-righteousness
no matter where and when
when retribution is no longer sought
and i’m untroubled by offense
then my heart is fireproof
and you and me are safe
you are home
here under the vast sky
you are home
held in the universe’s wings
just as you are
your inclusion
is never in doubt
you belong
to the song of life
whole and indivisible
it chimes
with every breath
how connected
you truly are
they are already on their way
they are already on their way
the joys that arrive
out of the blue
the next wave of laughter
that’s not too far off
the insights that rush
towards you, that bring new clarity
then around the corner comes
compassion to dwell with you
and wonder waits
to be let in with ample gifts
visitors all, drawing near
seeking your good company
where will you be today,
when they knock upon your door?
pausing with a leaf
you were born
in spring
graced summer
nights and days
and now journey back
into the soil
to continue
the cycle
thank you
for shade and freshness
for the music you make
with wind and rain
for all the seen
and unseen beauty
you add to our world
my life would not be
without you
where do we begin
there is life
in aching beauty
and constant change
all born of
spinning energy
of vitality condensed
into temporary form
different in function
yet all from the same source
every arising useful
equally belonging to this continuum
ours is a story of constant flow and process
of infinite merging and fresh combinations
and the curious may ask:
where do we begin and end?
we hold each other
as we move
through our days
each on our unique paths
we meander
up and down and sideways
as we live and learn
yet throughout it all
we hold each other
we hold the goodness
of each other in safekeeping
i hold your “loving self”
and you hold mine
for a time when it may be needed
that we need reminding
to find our way again
we carry each others light
you don’t have to go far
you don’t have to go far
in fact it’s happening now
right where you are
held, not too tight, not too loose
by gravity’s embrace
to the sacred ground beneath you
your life
on Mother Earth is supported
by wondrously interconnected forces
we are along for the ride
as our Blue Planet
orbits the Sun
and together we whirl
planets, stars, galaxies
in cosmic choreography
right where you are
you have a front row seat
to the marvels of the universe
while doing the dishes
from the hammock
“hello” i say, “how are you?”
greeting myself like a good friend
i listen
the body tells its tale
heart and mind chime in
i listen and listen
to the ever-changing flow
in the hammock of listening
we relax
find ease with each other
what was hard becomes soft again
looking around
on a clear night
pondering life
amongst space and stars
again i marvel at the moving parts
the atoms, orbits and cycles
the harmonious interplay of elements
and our living web of life
i marvel at this balanced world
that makes life possible
i marvel at all that had to go right
and be maintained, not only in this lifetime
but from the first whisper
of this Great Unfolding
living a human incarnation
seems to be such a rare opportunity
may i be present and open
to receive the gift of this life
“getting to know itself”
do you remember
this flavor of youth
when all was interesting?
when worlds could be found
in a puddle and anything
could become wondrous
when curiosity
gave wings to our days
we were playful experimenters
asking endless questions
keenly alive
still free
of opinions
open and innocent
schooling and culture
dampened this bright flame
yet are the slumbering
embers not worth protecting?
is curiosity not life
getting to know itself
through our hearts
reflections on water
yet strong
vast and forever
soothing, spirited, sustaining
whilst self-purifying
endlessly yielding
yet remaining true to its nature
water, the ever-present
mother to our lives