healing balm



background story: 

For all of us there will be days of witnessing seemingly overwhelming pain in this world, - be it physical, emotional or mental suffering, be it in self or in others.

Facing pain, it is easy to get gripped by confusion and fear - and reach for ill-founded remedies of blame and hatred, even avoidance - hardening the heart and mind.

How then shall I train myself, when, inevitably, encountering pain?
How to give comfort and be a healing balm into the world?
Transforming fear and pain into peace of mind. 

How to keep spinning, spinning, spinning compassionately in this mad love dance of life?
A longtime quest to hold close to the heart.
Inviting resolve and wisdom, peace and kindness, buoyancy and forgiveness to be constant companions along the path.

"healing balm"

"healing balm"

unclouded by doubt 

the power of thought radiates outward

like the rays of the sun

blessings, wishes, prayers - anchor peace and well being

becoming a healing balm for the earth and all its tenants