portal 6 - FIRESIDE

kindred reader


dear reader, six years ago this week
the first musing was published

and for however long
you have been part of this journey
of receiving, reading and giving
room within yourself to these ponders

i would like to thank you
for your kind attention,
your comments and shared insights

thank you!

these musings are written each week
as a self-alignment process

they are perennial wonders on life,
they are paths of surrendering and letting go,
of learning to love

shared with you
with this intention and wish:

may they be useful to you, kindred reader,
on your own contemplative inner journey

with gratitude and endearment,
💛 lenis




to the rocks in the garden
and the colorful carpet of maple leaves

“how are you?”
to the dove breakfasting on millet seed

“hello!” blue dragonfly,
morning light and green tomatoes

what a circle of friends
as i walk upon the earth

welcoming what comes
upon the banquet table of the senses

expressing greetings
with joyous freedom

to the stillness in the woods
and “Friday” the neighbor’s cat

and to you dear one,
reading these lines
of connection between us

may your day be filled with wonder and wellness




joy in the moment

still work
their magic

moving between us

do you feel them
as they reach you?
wherever you are…

may you be happy
may you see beauty
may you live peacefully
may you love and feel loved
may you be safe
may you delight in the weather on your skin
and the ground beneath your feet
may wonder be your companion
may you be present
for your life


where are my manners?


“hey, you!”

there’s been a party going on
within me, all my life

guests streaming in through my open door,
day and night, bringing friends along

Doubt has come to visit
Fear paid her respects
Joy lingered and
Love left her scarf behind

i have to admit,
i have been a most absentminded host
daydreaming and preoccupied
with visitors past, and those yet to come

that i have rarely noticed
who’s sitting at my table now

well, well, . . . 
where are my manners?

may i bring some fresh libations,
pull up a chair and listen well
for a good heart to heart


i woke up grumpy


“dawn clouds”

this morning i woke up grumpy

i knew that something else
was needed to jive with the gifts of life

thankfully a flock of silly thoughts
came to perch - cackling about gratitude

one silly thought said:
“thankfully our feet still reach the ground”

“yeah”, another chimed in, “and aren’t you glad our heart
hasn’t become an improvisational jazz player overnight?”

a third one eagerly offered:
“… or that we didn’t wake up with a boil on our nose”

and they went on and on
trying to outdo each other

to my delight
lifted like morning fog




“lighting the way”

your life

celebrate the wondrous
oft forgotten
divine spark
that lives within you

it has been with you throughout
all your follies and growing pains

it does not look upon you
as imperfect

it loves
in vast all enduring stillness

if only you could see yourself
like it sees you

you would laugh
at yourself
and there would be peace on earth


it happens so quickly


"from sweet to sour””

it happens so quickly
the move from sweet to sour

closing off my bright eyed-senses

replacing all i hold dear
with convulsions of dislike and raging impatience

disconnecting me from my chosen values

how good it is to witness this state of affairs within
brought on by decades of conditioning

and no longer hide in shame
or blame “the system” or another

but look closely and tenderly
at these moments of insanity



when all still is possible


“in the gap”

it is within the smallest moments that our lives are shaped
in the gap between stimuli and response
when all still is possible

a lifetime of habits overshadow
the brilliance of this moment 
and its unlimited possibilities

so i ask myself to resist
then the instant urge to do
to hold the state of “all is possible

to pause in the quiet now
listening to the whispers of a freer state of being
until clarity of intent chimes

“until clarity chimes”





covered by sky and stars
cradled by earth
nights spent outside
of the usual shelter of solid walls

nights when i have temporarily 
traded comfort for being closer to nature 
linger long in my mind

strange how what used to be so natural 
is now so removed 

do i dare to reclaim this freedom
and gather the ancient vitamin 
that comes with the witnessing of the night?

“to reclaim the night”


morning greetings


“morning greetings”

The Mystery continues, as i open my eyes
And return from the dreamworld

Awaiting me is a brand new day
Never have i been here before

I meet you for the first time, again
We both have been changed by the tides of life

So i listen to you, fresh
For you come to me as a storyteller
From your beautiful worlds

“from your beautiful worlds”