portal 5 - REMEMBERING

on gardening


after years of searching
a decision was made
to make a garden of this life


growing crops of perennial peace
nourishing generosity
healing forgiveness
alongside deep rooted gratitudes
surrounded by a hedge of good humor


now, every garden attracts
the buzz
of beneficial visitors and the voracious
appetites of potential pests.


what to do?

out of fear build a barrier tough enough to keep out


is that even possible?


maybe just grow some more
for can there ever be too much gratitude?
too much forgiveness? too much peace?

keep a few seeds in reserve





we walk through life and so much knocks
on our doors of perception

once we have learned to sidestep
the merchants of fear and swill
there is so much to love
to deeply drink in the beauty of

there are the infinite cloudscapes above us
and the warmth of the sun on skin
there is the texture of the ground beneath bare feet

there is the warmth of a smile and the welcoming
hospitality of a friend
there is the touch of a dogs wet nose

let me salute these moments

they all cause my heart to soar

before me lies an ocean
of opportunities to love

waiting for me
waiting to be seen
to be with, be part of
to be a love requited
i have no doubt


Four hundred and seventy one

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Under a february full moon on the Mediterranean Sea
amidst hungry sailors, i learned about the human heart

laden with a cargo of oranges
our freighter was on passage from Israel
to Italy in heavy seas. 

anchored to bed, seasick, for three days my ears
fixed on the regular thump of the ships engine
while i marveled at the tireless working of the machine

a wisdom in my body spoke up:
listen to your heart, it said,
it has been beating throughout it all

four hundred and seventy one
full moons later - my heart still beats

what a marvel!

as our hearts pulse and roam
across this magnificent Earth
i find myself in gratitude and awe of their grand design

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finding our way home


This week I found myself considering ceremonies, a subject close to my heart.
For decades I have been interested in how we celebrate across the globe. What, as a culture,
we pause for, remember and reinvigorate. It seems that ceremonies and gratitude are intimately linked.

"the spirit of the land"

walking the ground
witnessing the natural rhythms
i celebrate the spirit native to this land

connected through time
i feel the long, living thread of the ancestors
who also celebrated the procession of the seasons

our ceremonies acknowledge a sacred reciprocity
between the land and its people

in the spirit of gratitude
flora, fauna, mineral - ecologies of all ilk
become animate, by the simple prayer of:

I see you! I thank you! I wish you well!

we connect to the weave that sustains all,
to origin and continuity, into the Great Mystery

"reinvigorated by ceremonies"

"reinvigorated by ceremonies"


the storm


Today’s Musing is a ponder on holding the note of peace
through the storm of anger.

  "the storm within"

When anger comes to visit
it intoxicates the senses and all too soon i forget
about peace and all that i hold dear

governed by anger
my mind turns fierce, fast, myopic
my heart cold and hard
for the duration of the intoxication
anger is alluringly self-righteous 


it takes awareness to catch the first signs of anger
and courage to practice restraint 

it takes patience to sit with the painful feelings of the storm
and skill to release my grip

"to love peace"

remember, remember, remember
I tell myself

breathe, stay soft, sit with it
know the storm will pass

this is the work of awareness
the gentle stance of try and try again

to love peace more than self righteousness