portal 3 - GATES

in the meantime


“the path is there”

we all suffer from ignorance 
we all are in need of more skillful ways 

in the meantime what is the antidote
for all our countless follies?

make a home in the heart of forgiveness
and learn to love - more

open, spacious, all enveloping
the path is there, faithfully

and the more it is walked
the easier it becomes
for all



sister irritation


“pearl in the making”

Sister Irritation

She has a way of coming unannounced 
Leaving me her generous gifts

How i used to dread these visits for the long
Hours of discontent, hurt and confusion that followed

Now, her visits still cause wobble
Yet also the appreciation that her gifts
Are pearls in the making

So i ready myself to receive
these seeds of irritation

Welcoming them with openness
Embracing them with not minding
Surrounding them with forgiveness and love

And layer upon layer
Together we grow
A luminous pearl

“pearl mandala - her generous gifts”


happy fools


“walk the tightrope”

sweet . . . unending . . . seeking
for new tastes, new sights, new touch

sweet . . . unending . . . seeking
for the comforts of the known, familiar, old slippers of heart and mind

bouncing between these two gravitational pulls,
chasing new and old makes up much of our story life

happy fools walk the tightrope between these two
and don’t get claimed by either too easily.

“new and old stories”


we can choose


we, who are spirit tethered to body, 
and are daily confronted with the inescapable joys
and pains of human existence,
can choose to be peace-makers.

we can choose to make peace with our bodies,
and the limitations that arise from sickness and aging

we can choose to make peace with the waves of emotions, 
that at times can thrash us like wild storms 

we can choose to make peace with the constant flow of thoughts,
that can persuade us into contradictory aims

we can choose to make peace with history,
from our own unique story, to the story of our global sister and brotherhood 

we can choose to make peace with our teachers,
including our family, our friends and loved ones and our so called enemies

it sounds so simple and impossible at the same time, doesn’t it?

peace has a chance 
when we begin to see our tantrums, our internal and external wars,
as luxuries we can no longer afford

when we stop pointing our finger, at the problems “out there”
and begin, with tenderness and grit, to express peace more than our self-righteousness.

. . . and if we choose to be a companion to peace, maybe add a splash of play to the mix




walking the woods
i pause
and the moment becomes vibrant 

in its stillness
i see, i am surrounded by beauty

and beauty becomes the gate for peace to enter me

moving slower
with a softer gaze

i witness worlds within worlds
an interlaced, woven unity

and awe becomes the gate for peace to enter me


on spiraling paths through the woods
as the rains begin to fall

a gentle quiet fills me

and stillness becomes the gate for peace to enter me



This year the Musings will explore twelve essential essence qualities that seem to make life more wonderful.
In January the focus is on Peace. 

  "it begins"

the path of peace
begins with me

"blue surge"

it ripples outward
in a thousand moments
of calm, open hearted listening


learning and practicing the language of peace,
peace becomes a gift
i can give to myself and the world