we, who are spirit tethered to body,
and are daily confronted with the inescapable joys
and pains of human existence,
can choose to be peace-makers.
we can choose to make peace with our bodies,
and the limitations that arise from sickness and aging
we can choose to make peace with the waves of emotions,
that at times can thrash us like wild storms
we can choose to make peace with the constant flow of thoughts,
that can persuade us into contradictory aims
we can choose to make peace with history,
from our own unique story, to the story of our global sister and brotherhood
we can choose to make peace with our teachers,
including our family, our friends and loved ones and our so called enemies
it sounds so simple and impossible at the same time, doesn’t it?
peace has a chance
when we begin to see our tantrums, our internal and external wars,
as luxuries we can no longer afford
when we stop pointing our finger, at the problems “out there”
and begin, with tenderness and grit, to express peace more than our self-righteousness.