once, after a particularly animated
exchange with a loved one
both of us expressing
“our” points of view
which happened
to differ
a stroke of luck - flashed,
for an instant being able to see
how entrenched “my” views were
how right they felt
how “my” views came
with such urgency
impatiently seeking
to be expressed
even intolerant to listening
to my loved one’s views
what an intoxicated state
to find the mind in!
next came curiosity
and questions:
how did these views
came to be “my” views?
when had they last,
or ever, been examined?
how long had they had
full access to mind and mouth?
realizing there is no freedom at all
when being tempted to argue hotly
for any view
that inhabits the mind
this stroke of luck caused
a humbling pause and flood of gratitude