portal 4 - THE THEATER

what shall i call you?


what shall i call you? 

you wondrous shapeshifter
as you move
through the seasons of your life


what shall i call you? 

as you compose
the chapters of your story
from life’s many hued experiences


what shall i call you? 

you - who are condensed stardust
you - who are consciousness wed to human form
you - who are in constant flux
you - who are kin to me
you - who are unique
yet colorless at core


what shall i call you? 

to remind us both
of your noble birth


cheers to the fools


  "the gap"

the gap between what is
and what we wish life to be
can be a long, hard slog
or the joyful journey of a fool

. . . gobs of egos are just rather repelled by the idea of seeming foolish


preferring well worn grooves of certainty,
unquestioned traditions and their set of opinions

to asking:
“what can make life more wonderful for you and me?”
which makes for a fine start towards happiness and freedom

cheers to the fools that try!


favorite ponder


  "between dawn"

"and dusk"

between dawn and dusk
we fill the day with our stories

depending on personal style
we tell stories of comedy and tragedy, drama and fantasy
flavoring our internal and external landscape

language is our superpower

we create worlds of heroes and villains,
soulmates, sidekicks and extras 

including and omitting
focusing and highlighting details
adding weight in the retelling

no matter how genuine the narrative
the angle is never wide enough to encompass the whole story

my current favorite ponder:

What would you be without your story?
What remains?



into the woods


by early november the rains have arrived, and with them once again mushrooms bloom in the forest

entering the woods
walking in beauty
encountering the lives of the fungi

graceful and communal

unexpected and wonderous

causing pause and enchantment

vibrant potency

slower speeds

bursting forth

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a life, a story, drama or comedy, unfolding

bold and purposeful

© Kirsten Muskat-kind lens musings - winter woods 2.jpg

what consciousness resides here?

this too is life, this too is part of the Great Mystery


autumn transformations


summer's softness has given way
to fractal pods and husks


now wind and water carry seeds to uncertain destinations
change is so natural
and yet, there can be such fear
imagining and facing the unknown


in this time of falling leaves
i remind myself to practice
letting go
letting go
letting go
of mindsets that prevent peace
transforming harshness into kinder states of being


clouds remembering . . .


This week i found myself pondering the constant, shapeshifting change that surrounds us.  The cycles of birth and rebirth. It lead me to imagine - a conversation amongst clouds, each recalling an incarnation . . . 

. . . do you remember what it was like the last time you touched the earth?

i reflected the light of sun and stars as a still pond

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from ground to leaves i surged through the veins of trees

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i merged into the rolling, rollicking waves of an ocean

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on grass i gathered in a thousand dewdrops

capping the poles, frozen i remained a while

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tongues touched me as i quenched their thirst

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as a small brook, jumping over rocks i sang

© Kirsten Muskat-kind lens musings - cloud conversations 12.jpg

from cavernous aquifers i emerged
once more to rejoin a river in the sky

We all are gatherers of experience in the living, unified web.



low tide


a late summers day at low tide on the Columbia

wading through shallow, warm water
from sandbar to sandbar
barefoot beachcombing
on shores of temporary islands

the joy of ambling
through a pathless terrain
on legs that still hold strength
reunited to childhood joys


infinite shapes on land and water
tracks and treasures tell their stories
kindling the imagination . . . 


playing till the light fades
and turns the waters golden
what a full, good day!


local phenomena

At this time of year the Vaux's swifts gather in Portland, Oregon. They arrive in the evening, thousands of whirling wings fill the sky in dizzying swirling motion. Then, shortly after sunset, an unseen signal and they tumble downward into a chimney to roost for the night. What had seemed to be chaos turns into funneled harmony. In awe I watch a behavior that follows its own language, speeds and spacial awareness.
Soon they will migrate south, another journey taking place way above my head.

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© Kirsten Muskat-kind lens musings - swifts 2.jpg
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© Kirsten Muskat-kind lens musings - swifts 4.jpg