portal 1 - SPARKS



“know thyself”

made of stardust
you and me, i often forget

to reflect in stillness
the perennial ponder of:
“know thyself”

how much do i know this stardust body?
with its ever-changing emotional weather systems,
its mental patterns that can stay subtle, or atrophy
and its clockwork cycles and rhythms

do i know my natural strength and talents?
my likes and dislikes, many caused 
by the conditioning of this culture

do i know how to be free?
and belong to self-elected values
to find that which is indestructible within

perennial ponders
stardust to stardust
amongst all this empty space in the universe


sparks of sound


“infusing our moods”

right now music is being made
all over the world

notes of orchestras playing
in the acoustics of high ceilinged halls

melodies of lone instruments
floating through wide open spaces

impromptu tunes of bands
in village squares

rhythms that move our souls
transporting us, infusing our moods

to sing along, toe tapping, hip swaying, ecstatic dance 
or quiet contemplation - we like a good buzz, a fizzy intoxication

what power they hold
these sparks of sound

“a good buzz”


into the wonder


“into the wonder”

below our feet the molten core of Mother Earth
all around above us the sheltering shield of the van Allen belts

while oceans ripple with the breath of the tides
and colors blush and pulse across the land 

on fin, wing and hoof curved patterns are written 
as timeless migrations continue all over the globe
and countless sparks of life blink on and off

on this dot of space, in this protected womb of life,
within spheres of wonder, i take my next breath

“spheres within spheres”


on the path


we journey inward

to sacred spaces - again

with our reasons fresh

seeing others on their path

what joy each unique try is

background story:


we choose what we believe. 

i have chosen to believe, 

that within each of us lives

a seeker for truth and meaning.


each of our paths unique,

each a one time only experiment, 

that has never existed, nor will ever exist again.


so there it is:

the pilgrim

the path

 - made up of our countless attempts and devotions  

then there is reason

 - fresh and bright, lighting our way

and there is kinship!


we may come from different directions

taking different routes and styles of travel,

yet do we not all seem to aim towards inclusion

with the Great Mystery?



"sweet spot mandala"

"sweet spot mandala"

joy illuminates

this dot of the galaxy

flares in the darkness 

sending secret love letters

soul offerings to the gods

a bit of background:

Imagine looking at our beautiful blue planet surrounded by vast, beyond comprehension v a s t, space . . .
Now, envision the Joy experienced by humans as flashes of lightning across the skin of the Earth, creating a symphony of light, - arcing, flaring, flashing . . . 
These sparks of Joy seem like beautiful offerings to the gods. Love letters of gratitude and of trust for the gift of life.
Here is to vast, open minds and joyous hearts, illuminating this sweet spot in our galaxy.


welcome to the mystery

"the questions"

"the questions"

welcome to the Mystery
to the Beautiful Conundrums
to the questions
that can drive you mad . . . 

"quite mad"

"quite mad"

the perennial questions that ask:

where were you
before you made your grand entrance
through the veil of birth? 

and how do you explain
consciousness to yourself?

do you know the language of your dreams? 

and what about soul and spirit?
have you befriended them?

where will you go after meeting Brother Death?

have you found meaning in this life?

"the approach"

and how Dear One will you approach these Beautiful Mysteries?

will you try to crack them like a nut, to get at the tasty morsel?
will you ply them with study and reason?
will you observe them like a flock of birds?
will you build a nest for them to dwell  with you?
will you take them with you when you are dancing, chopping vegetables in the kitchen?
will you treat them like a mountain to be conquered?

over the years will you make love and peace with them?

"with love"

"with love"

welcome to the Mystery
to the Beautiful Conundrums
to the questions that can drive you
mad with love
for this gift of life