puppy mind


each day
insights and joys
reveal themselves
in quiet, curious moments

i marvel while watching a puppy
how swiftly his attention flits
from here, to there, to everywhere

how much it resembles our mind
the wandering thoughts, in constant motion
chasing flotsam and jetsam

we have much in common, puppy and mind
both thrive with loving, dedicated attention

how sweet it is to learn
when forgiveness comes with our next breath
and praise is generously given

oh, may we be kind
to puppies and our puppy minds


beyond words


some understandings can live quite comfortably in our head
yet are much more difficult to put into daily practice,
this is one of them:

you don’t have to agree with another’s words
and still hold the other person lovingly in your heart

we get so befuddled by words,
by opinions,
including our own

instantly forgetting that we are kin,
born equally and together into
this immense mystery of life

forgetting that
we really don’t know
all that much,
even our own selves

can we listen and perceive
that which lies beyond all words
beyond our opinions?

receiving and giving to each other
from light to light, from love to love




all seeds slumber in
the garden of my heart
just waiting for the watering can

when all around me fires burn
how do i fireproof my mind?

fresh wars ignite continuously

from squabbling friends
to guns and bombs
it’s not too long a road

seductive is self-righteousness
no matter where and when

when retribution is no longer sought
and i’m untroubled by offense

then my heart is fireproof
and you and me are safe


i ask myself...


“ … for the love and beauty of the game”

on this brand new day
i ask myself to remember

to go slow
oh, even slower

to pause

and listen to life
with my whole body

to respond from
my true values

and observe the birth and death
of my thoughts - closely

i ask myself to remember
to know the internal landscape
as well as i know my own home

and care for them both
with tenderness

to laugh and play
with self-abandonment

for the love and beauty
of the Game