each day
insights and joys
reveal themselves
in quiet, curious moments
i marvel while watching a puppy
how swiftly his attention flits
from here, to there, to everywhere
how much it resembles our mind
the wandering thoughts, in constant motion
chasing flotsam and jetsam
we have much in common, puppy and mind
both thrive with loving, dedicated attention
how sweet it is to learn
when forgiveness comes with our next breath
and praise is generously given
oh, may we be kind
to puppies and our puppy minds
weaver of tales
the mind tells
magnificent stories
and like children
we still believe
these tales to be true
rarely questioning our thoughts
and the worlds they create
leaving us in a constant fog
of befuddled intoxication
by watching the storyteller at work
so smooth, so skilled
in the art of redirection
our gullibility lifts
like the morning mist
a most excellent adventure
sailing with the tide
ready for the wind
casting our net
into the infinite ocean
of loving-presence
aware of the flow
of giving and receiving
of our indivisible
melting the differences
our endlessly fearful
minds dream up
here we are
learning to love again
on a most excellent adventure!
beyond words
some understandings can live quite comfortably in our head
yet are much more difficult to put into daily practice,
this is one of them:
you don’t have to agree with another’s words
and still hold the other person lovingly in your heart
we get so befuddled by words,
by opinions,
including our own
instantly forgetting that we are kin,
born equally and together into
this immense mystery of life
forgetting that
we really don’t know
all that much,
even our own selves
can we listen and perceive
that which lies beyond all words
beyond our opinions?
receiving and giving to each other
from light to light, from love to love
walking in wonder
life is for living
to know its ephemeral nature
and delight in its vibrant displays
not to get lost
but, yes, to be awed
to walk in wonder
nothing to hold on to
watch the waves of change
land upon your shore
flowing right through you
with their irrepressible energy
here now, but never for long
this constant feast of coming and going
there is nothing to hold on to
but this moment
which comes to you so fresh,
and full of possibility
today let the hands
do their labors and loving
with a gentle touch
and let the feet
connect gently
with the earth
let your senses perceive
with gentleness
and let thought
and spoken word
arise from a gentle mind
let life be felt
and witnessed
through a gentle lens
the great dance
life lives
through you and me
and through the whole dazzling show
of innumerable forms
in all heartbeats,
in the spring flowers and galaxies
the pulse of life moves
give up
trying to improve upon it
fuss less
trust a little more
in the rhythms
we all belong
to this Great Dance
flowing and yielding
the small spring creek
has carved a smooth
path into rock
meeting hardness
gentle strength
melting obstacles
i wonder, does it only
hold true for water and rocks?
when beauty comes
when beauty comes
in the shape of a cloud
or the round curves
of a sweet woman
when it stops us
in our well worn tracks
with songs
and sunrise colors
it nurtures the heart
like few other essences can
it patiently tries
to shine through us
calling us near
from everywhere
i was made for you
all seeds slumber in
the garden of my heart
just waiting for the watering can
when all around me fires burn
how do i fireproof my mind?
fresh wars ignite continuously
from squabbling friends
to guns and bombs
it’s not too long a road
seductive is self-righteousness
no matter where and when
when retribution is no longer sought
and i’m untroubled by offense
then my heart is fireproof
and you and me are safe
a juicy, juicy question
living in this wonderland
of bones and blood
of breath and leaping fire
this miraculous state
of being human
the in and out
what will be next?
what is in season and fresh?
what within does the witnessing?
such a juicy, juicy question
simply resting
when my fearful heart
and agitated mind
need soothing
when my tired body
needs healing
pausing hands and feet,
mouth and eyes
a quiet pause
is powerful medicine
today i delight
i delight
in the friendships
blooming all around me
in the good fortunes
of my neighbors
in the homes
where peace dwells
where shadow
turns to light
i delight in the spring wind
caressing the land
and those who pause
to feel it
relationship mirrors
we get to know ourselves in relationships
feel our still sharp edges
reach the limits of our skill
if lucky we get so humbled
that we rediscover humor
and hang out
in the serene state of not minding
then when we grow warmth
what sweetness it brings to the land
you are home
here under the vast sky
you are home
held in the universe’s wings
just as you are
your inclusion
is never in doubt
you belong
to the song of life
whole and indivisible
it chimes
with every breath
how connected
you truly are
i choose to believe ...
“good medicine”
i choose to
that joy is good medicine
for us all
tending the garden
of the heart
deep into my soft soil
joy burrows its roots
even in times of sorrow
this i choose
to believe
i ask myself...
“ … for the love and beauty of the game”
on this brand new day
i ask myself to remember
to go slow
oh, even slower
to pause
and listen to life
with my whole body
to respond from
my true values
and observe the birth and death
of my thoughts - closely
i ask myself to remember
to know the internal landscape
as well as i know my own home
and care for them both
with tenderness
to laugh and play
with self-abandonment
for the love and beauty
of the Game
enough to share
“winter light”
of a life
that unfolds
the wonder of existence
and the marketplace
from breakfast to starlight
with muddy boots,
soft eyes
and a quiet mind
fish and grace
to share
a swell of
we have so much in common
“a brief appearance”
how do we connect
life to life?
we have so much
in common
an earthly existence
of body and spirit
braided together
may our meetings
be fresh and fizzy
witnessing in each other
life in its countless forms
briefly making an appearance
in the Great Theater